Live Music & Art

The Artists

Christopher Kasongo
A prolific painter, Kasongo prefers to work in solitude and loves nature. His biggest art influences include David Shepherd, Henry Tayali, and Niko. He resides in Kitwe, Zambia.
Samuel Kasongo
Samuel studied fine art at Evelyn Hone College in Lusaka. His preferred medium is charcoal and pencil. He resides Kitwe, Zambia.
Ringo Brians Chileshe
Chileshe is a graduate of Northern Kentucky University with a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Information Technology/Graphic Design, as well as a graduate of Evelyn Hone College of Applied Arts and Commerce. He was born in Zambia and has lived in Ohio for ten years. His art aims to highlight the human condition.
Gloria Nicholson
Ceramist, Gloria Nicholson, studied at Wilberforce University. Originally from New York, she has called Tallahassee, FL home for 20 years.
Lillie M. Clark
Ms. Clark is a resident of Jackson County, FL. Her pieces embrace nature and utilize mixed mediums of pen, pencil and acrylic. She owns an art gallery called LMC Impressions, Inc.
Cosmas Misamba
Married with seven children, Misamba learned his craft of sculpting at an early age after the unfortunate death of his father. His work can also be found at Arcades Craft Market in Lusaka.